Welcome to the OHCHR On-line UPR Submissions Registration System

  1. Register

    • Please create the profile of your organization if you are a new organization. One email can be registered for one organizational account.
    • The approval can take up to 24 hours and is not automatic. Automatic messages are sent when a profile is created, approved and contributions are submitted.
    • No duplicate registrations for organizations are allowed. Please avoid duplicate registration- in such case, contact the Helpdesk by email and we can help you to update the email or the contact if your organization already has a profile.
    • Please use Latin alphabet for your username, name and other details in the database, as the database may have technical issues with other symbols.
  2. Log In

    • Please use your username (not your email) for login to the database. Please note that we do not have access to any passwords, you can reset it on the homepage of the database.
    • Once contributions have been uploaded, organizations will receive an automatic confirmation. They can also consult their contribution history in the system.
    • The system does not allow organizations to add documents for a country after their initial submission. Additional documents or revisions can be exceptionally and upon request sent by email to the UPR Helpdesk email address.
    • You can change your organizational profile via UPR Helpdesk, please send all information that should be updated by email.
  3. References and more information

Log in Form

Register if you don't have an account.

Forgotten Password if you have forgotten your password.