Organisation Name LanguagesBackground documents
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Civil Society

Organisation Name LanguagesBackground documents
ACFTU - All-China Federation of Trade Unions Cover C
ACLA - China Lawyers Association/中华全国律师(ACLA) Cover C
ACNU. - Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas S
AI - Amnesty International E
ANEC - Asociación Nacional de Economistas y Contadores S
BAI - Beijing Aizhixing Institute E
BCLARC - Beijing Children's Legal Aid and Research Center E
BCLARC. - Beijing Zhicheng Migrant Workers' Legal Aid and Research Center E
CAPDTC - China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture Cover C 1 2 3 4 5
CASS-HRRC - Human Rights Research Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Cover C
CCCS - China Care and Compassion Society Cover C
CEAIE - China Education Association for International Exchange Cover E
CEMAFEE - China Ethnic Minorities' Association for External Exchanges E
CFGS - China Foundation for Guangcai Programme E
CFHRD - China Foundation for Human Rights Development Cover C E
CHRD - Chinese Human Rights Defenders C E
CHRLCG - China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group Cover E
CIVICUS - CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation E
CLS - China Law Society C
CNIE - China NGO Network for International Exchanges C
CPAPD - Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament Cover C
CRRC - China Religion Research Center C
CSHRS - China Society for Human Rights Studies Cover C
CSPGP - China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Programme (CSPGP) E
CSW - Christian Solidarity Worldwide E
CUAWG - Chinese Urgent Action Working Group E
CWDF - All-China Women's Federation C
CWRS - Chinese Women’s Research Society C
DHF - The Dui Hua Foundation Cover E
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice, The E
FDC - Federation for a Democratic China (Japan) Cover E
FMC - Federación de Mujeres Cubanas S
FN - Freedom Now E
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children E
HKA - Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China E
HKCTU - Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions Cover E
HKHRM - Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor Cover E
HKJA - Hong Kong Journalists Association Cover C E
HKJPC - Justice and Peace Commission of the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese Cover C E
HK-Unison - Hong Kong Unison Limited Cover E
HRIC - Human Rights in China E
HRW - Human Rights Watch E
HRWF - Human Rights Without Frontiers International (HRWF Int’l) E
HZDHRGN - Hua Zang Dharma Human Rights Group in Norway E
ICPC - Independent Chinese PEN Centre E
IFJ - International Federation of Journalists E
ISC - Internet Society of China Cover C
LFNKR - Life Funds for North Korean Refugees Cover E
LWU - Lao Women's Union E
MOVPAZ - Movimiento Cubano por la Paz y la Soberanía de los Pueblos S
OSPAAAL - Organización de Solidaridad de los Pueblos de África, Asia y América Latina S
PEN-I - PEN International Cover E
PHR - Physicians for Human Rights E
RC - Rights Campaign C
RPDCV - Movimiento en Redes del Patrimonio y Diversidad Cultural de Venezuela S
RSF-RWB - Reporters Without Borders International E
STFA - Swiss Tibetan Friendship Association Cover E
STP - Society for Threatened Peoples E
TW - Tibet Watch Cover E
UAPCFEHD - The United Association of Petitioners of China Forced Evictions & Home Demolitions E
UNJC - Unión Nacional de Juristas de Cuba Cover S
UNPO - Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization E
UPEC - Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC) S
VPDF - Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation E
JS1 - Joint Submission 1 E
JS2 - Joint Submission 2 Cover E 1 2
JS3 - Joint Submission 3 E
JS4 - Joint Submission 4 E
JS5 - Joint Submission 5 E
JS6 - Joint Submission 6 Cover E
JS7 - Joint Submission 7 E
JS8 - Joint Submission 8 E
JS9 - Joint Submission 9 Cover E
JS10 - Joint Submission 10 Cover E
JS11 - Joint Submission 11 E
JS12 - Joint Submission 12 Cover E
JS13 - Joint Submission 13 E
JS14 - Joint Submission 14 E
JS15 - Joint Submission 15 E
JS16 - Joint Submission 16 E

Regional Inter-governmental Organisations

Organisation Name LanguagesBackground documents
There are no records


Organisation Name LanguagesBackground documents
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