Organisation Name LanguagesBackground documents
CNCDH - Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme Cover F

Civil Society

Organisation Name LanguagesBackground documents
ADF International - ADF International E
AI - Amnesty International Cover E 1 2
Alliance VITA - Alliance VITA Cover F
APF France handicap - APF France handicap Cover E F 1
Apprentis d'Auteuil - Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil Cover F
ASSEDEL - Association Européenne des droits et des libertés Cover F
ATD Fourth World - International Movement ATD Fourth World E F
Broken Chalk - The Stichting Broken Chalk E
CAP Liberté de Conscience - Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience F 1
CGT-FO - Confédération générale du travail - Force ouvrière F
DDD - Défenseur des droits E F
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice, The E
FAP - Fondation Abbé Pierre Cover F 1
Femmes solidaires - Femmes solidaires Cover F 1 2
Fondation Jérôme Lejeune - Fondation Jérôme Lejeune Cover E
GSGPPHRWS - Geneva Support Group for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in Western Sahara E
HRW - Human Rights Watch E
ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons E
IHRC_ - The Islamic Human Rights Commission Cover E
IHRC-OU. - International Human Rights Clinic - University of Oklahoma College of Law E
Juristes pour l'enfance - Juristes pour l'enfance F
La Cimade - La Cimade F
MAAT - Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights E
MDM-FR - Médecins du Monde France Cover F
NAAT - Notre Affaire A Tous F
O-CR - Observatoire des camps de réfugiés F
ODVV - Organization for Defending Victim of Violence E
OIP-SF - Observatoire international des prisons - section française F 1 2 3
UNPO - Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization E
WILPF - Women's International League for Peace and Freedom E
JS1 - Joint Submission 1 F
JS2 - Joint Submission 2 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
JS3 - Joint Submission 3 F 1
JS4 - Joint Submission 4 F
JS5 - Joint Submission 5 F
JS6 - Joint Submission 6 F 1
JS7 - Joint Submission 7 F 1
JS8 - Joint Submission 8 Cover F
JS9 - Joint Submission 9 E 1 2
JS10 - Joint Submission 10 Cover E
JS11 - Joint Submission 11 Cover F
JS12 - Joint Submission 12 F
JS13 - Joint Submission 13 F
JS14 - Joint Submission 14 F 1
JS15 - Joint Submission 15 F 1 2 3
JS16 - Joint Submission 16 F 1 2 3 4 5
JS17 - Joint Submission 17 Cover F 1

Regional Inter-governmental Organisations

Organisation Name LanguagesBackground documents
CoE - Council of Europe E
OSCE-ODIHR - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights/Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Cover E


Organisation Name LanguagesBackground documents
CGLPL - Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté Cover F