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UPR Documentation
Welcome to the OHCHR On-line UPR Submissions Registration System
Log In
If your organisation has already an account, you can access it here to submit information for the UPR documentation or to see previous submissions. Please note that you must use your username and password for your login, do not use your email. Please note that the username cannot be changed.
If your organisation does not have an account, you can create a new organization account here. Click Register under the login section on the right to create an account. Please note that the database does not allow any duplicate registrations. If you already have a profile, please reset your password. The email and the contact focal point for your profile can be also updated at request, please reach out to
Reset Your Password
If you forget your password, you will find a password reset link under the login section on the right hand side of this page.
Once logged in, you can access your profile anytime by clicking your username at the top right-hand corner of the website.
Log in Form
User name
Remember me?
if you don't have an account.
Forgotten Password
if you have forgotten your password.